Learn to row a drift boat or raft!
Our Learn to Row package is designed to get you feeling confident on the water. Whether you are a total beginner wanting to learn the entire process from boat ramp to take-out or the intermediate oarsman looking to hone your boat placement and rowing skills we have the right guide for you. We start with general boat/river safety; how to run a shuttle, boat ramp etiquette, how to trailer a raft or drift boat, and working through our pre-trip checklist. We work next on proper loading and launching techniques, backing down a boat ramp. Then it's all about the water! Rowing, reading water, boat movements and reaction, safety and more. We provide top-quality drift boats, fishing rafts and gear, along with expert guidance to ensure that you row your first river with confidence. This package includes a 1 day boat rental to use at a later time and practice those rowing skills you learned.
Our classes are 6 hours long and include a licensed MT guide, boat rental and 1 future rental, all required safety gear and snacks/drinks.
$675 1-2 people
If you are interested in Booking please call 406-303-1371
All of our guided trips are provided by Jumping Trout Outfitters Montana Outfitter #54651